Weight Loss

How to Stay Motivated When You’re Stuck at Home

It’s not always easy to stick to weight loss goals and follow healthy habits in times of stress. If you’re finding yourself feeling stressed by the coronavirus pandemic, there are some strategies you can use to remain on track with your goals. You can also count on WildBerryMD for weight loss coaching appointments available over the phone or through our telemedicine portal. Here are some of our best tips for staying motivated and healthy:

Stock up on Healthy Ingredients

Grocery shopping is currently challenging, since experts recommend limiting trips to the grocery store to once per week. However, with some healthy essentials, you can prepare a wide variety of meals that will fit into your weight loss plan. Plus, you won’t have regular temptation from dining out or junk food and snacks in the break room at work. On your next grocery run, fill your cart with the following wholesome choices:

  • Canned and dried beans – high in protein and fiber
  • Brown rice – healthy complex carbohydrates with a long shelf life
  • Frozen vegetables and fruits – keep plenty of choices on hand for the vitamins and fiber you need in your diet
  • Lean meats and tofu – easy to freeze protein sources
  • Plant-based milks – choose no sugar added varieties for high protein, shelf-stable milk
  • Dark chocolate – satiate your sweet tooth with healthy antioxidants

Stick to a Consistent Schedule

You may be working at home or not working at all during the pandemic. In either situation, you will want to maintain a consistent schedule each day. Plan out time for meals, exercise, and personal meditation as well as other essential tasks in your day. It’s also helpful to get dressed each day instead of lounging in sweats. With these little steps for added structure in your routine, you’ll feel more motivated and positive.

Find New Ways to Get Moving

Exercising in the home environment isn’t easy for everyone. Some people benefit from going to the gym or exercising with friends. Fortunately, it’s still safe to go outside for a walk, run, or bike ride if you’re not sick and you keep a safe distance from others enjoying the outdoors. However, you can also make working out at home more fun and accessible. If you normally work out with a buddy or a group, try using video calls to coordinate your workouts. Alternatively, you can use your time at home to try out some creative workouts, such as dancing, running laps up and down the stairs, or even lifting household objects. Even simple exercises like squats, jumping jacks, and planks can help you build lean muscle and stay fit at home. Even better, these exercises are easy to fit in throughout your day.

Utilize Stress Management Techniques

Stress can be a huge motivation killer, but it’s also hard to get away from during a pandemic. Now is the time to practice meditation to combat stress and ensure that you get the rest you need each day. You might also find some small self-indulgences, such as a hot bath, teatime, or a good book to round out your day.

The team at WildBerryMD is wishing you health, hope, and wellness during this difficult time. We are available for virtual appointments to help you stay on track with your weight loss and live your healthiest life. We also have supplements, medical-grade HCG, slim down vitamins, and appetite suppressant available for pickup at our office. Learn more by calling (520) 762-1557.