Weight Loss

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

Losing weight can be a slow and challenging process that requires changing your habits for the long term. It can be hard to say “no” to that cookie or glass of wine if you feel like you aren’t seeing progress from your weight loss plan. To achieve the results you desire, you must be able to motivate yourself and be patient with gradual changes to your body.    

Know why you want to lose weight

Before embarking on a weight loss plan, ask yourself honestly why you want to lose weight. Why is it important to you? What do you want to achieve?
  • Understand your goals. Are you wanting to improve your health and energy levels? Do you feel like losing weight will help you feel more confident?
  • Create a structured plan and routine. The key to changing habits is repetition. Develop a plan to meet your goals with a routine that can realistically be followed daily.
  • Use weight loss tools. You don’t have to go it alone when there are so many tools at your disposal. At WildBerryMD, we offer a wide range of tools including appetite suppressants, supplements, and hormone treatments.
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Stay disciplined

You can’t rely on motivation to show up; you must create that motivation. Losing weight is not easy, so developing self-discipline is key.
  • Take meal prep and exercise time seriously. Keep in mind that sticking to your plan is important for achieving your goals.
  • Achieve mind body balance. The mind and the body work as one, so developing a relaxation or meditation practice is as important as developing an exercise routine.

Understand your strengths and weaknesses

A weight loss journey is one that requires self-honesty. The goal is to change your relationship with food into one that is fun and joyful rather than stressful. To get there, you have to understand where you are starting from.
  • Know your cravings. If certain foods or restaurants are too tempting to resist, you may need to avoid them for the first couple of months.
  • Know your strengths. Your strengths will leverage you on your weight loss journey, so that you can be your own support system.
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Believe in yourself

Believe that you can achieve your goals, even if it takes longer than anticipated. Challenges and bumps in the road are part of the process, so don’t interpret it as a failure if you miss a day on your diet.
  • Love and respect yourself. View your weight loss as a means of loving and taking care of your body and yourself.
  • Keep a positive mindset. Forgive yourself if you have an off day or miss a workout, and keep moving forward. If you need to, take a deep breath and walk away from food without judging yourself.

Celebrate success, but prepare for setbacks

To stay motivated, it’s important to acknowledge your successes, no matter how small. Setbacks are inevitable, so keeping focused on what you have achieved will help you move past them.
  • Recognize successes that aren’t just about pounds. Transforming your body and developing a healthy mindset is more than the numbers on the scale. Do you have more energy? Are you feeling stronger? Do you feel better in your clothes? Do you feel like you have more control over your body and your habits?
If you are ready to transform your body and your life, the team of weight loss doctors and coaches at WildBerryMD are here to help. Give us a call at (520) 762-1557 or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information about our available weight loss treatment options.

Don’t forget to get your deals today:

  • HCG: $149
  • Botox: $50 Off
  • Hormone Assessment with labs: $199