As you get older, staying at your usual weight can become harder. Losing weight can also be more difficult, especially once you start experiencing symptoms of perimenopause or menopause. It is common for women to start gaining weight during perimenopause, or a few years before menopause begins. You may be able to prevent weight gain… Read More
Changing your diet and getting more exercise can help you lose weight. However, you may need additional help from a weight loss specialist in order to stay healthy and maintain your weight loss results. At WildBerryMD, we offer highly flexible and personalized weight loss plans that can help you lose weight and keep it off.… Read More

When done with the guidance and supervision of a weight loss expert, intermittent fasting can be a safe and effective way to maintain your weight. Intermittent fasting is not a traditional diet in that it doesn’t dictate what you eat, but when you eat. With intermittent fasting, you only eat during specific times and you… Read More

A hormone imbalance or hormone deficiency can have a significant impact on your physical, mental, and sexual health and wellness. The symptoms of low hormones can range from fatigue and weight gain to depression, low libido, and anxiety. At WildBerryMD, we offer comprehensive female and male hormone testing to determine if you have a hormone… Read More
Semaglutide is a safe, effective medication that can assist with weight loss when combined with a healthy diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. New research suggests that semaglutide and other GLP-1 agonists can also offer benefits beyond just weight loss. Semaglutide is a highly effective appetite suppressant and can also reduce food cravings, help you feel… Read More
Trying to reach your weight loss goals on your own can be isolating and discouraging. If you aren’t losing weight as quickly as you’d like or are having trouble keeping the weight off, working with a weight loss expert in Tucson, AZ, can give you the support, guidance, and encouragement you need to succeed. … Read More
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining hormonal balance can be a challenge. Whether due to aging, stress, or lifestyle factors, hormonal imbalances can affect everything from energy levels to mood and overall well-being. Fortunately, advances in hormone therapy are offering new oral tablets. One promising development is the use of bio-identical hormone therapy (BHRT) delivered through… Read More
Weight loss is a lifelong process. Reaching your goal weight can improve your health, confidence, and self-esteem, but when you have trouble losing weight and keeping it off, you might feel discouraged. It may seem like other people lose weight easily, while you reach a weight loss plateau, gain the weight back right away, or… Read More
Did you know that trying to stick to a fad diet or highly restrictive diet can actually make it harder to lose weight? Biological issues like insulin resistance, age, metabolism, and health conditions can also affect your ability to reach your goal weight or keep weight off. Working with a weight loss expert to design… Read More
Weight gain during pre-menopause and menopause is common for many women, and you may have been noticing it yourself. It can be very frustrating, but our professional medical weight loss team at WildBerryMD is here to help! What if you could manage this weight gain effectively without resorting to restrictive diets that leave you miserable?… Read More