
Lose Weight with Our Favorite Fall Foods

Fall is the season for food, and there are many delicious options available. Fall foods are often thought to be heavy, like stews, gravy, and turkey. When you’re making your list of fall foods, how far down are the healthy ones? It’s time to boost those options to the top! Check out these great fall foods that you can enjoy that are both delicious and healthy:

Spaghetti Squash as a Substitute for Pasta Is Great For Weight-Loss

Spaghetti squash is a fall favorite for many, but not everyone knows of its great health benefits. When you make a meal with spaghetti squash, you can get all the benefits of pasta while cutting out the negatives. Fewer carbs, fewer calories, and still tasty!

woman eating apple

This delicious vegetable is full of the fiber and nutrients you need to keep your body running in tip-top shape. Next time you’re at the store, reach for the spaghetti squash and satisfy your pasta cravings in a healthy way that can help you lose weight.

Apples Are a Fall Staple, and They’re a Satisfying Snack Too

When it comes to fruit, there’s nothing quite like an apple. Apples are a fall favorite for so many, and it’s easy to understand why. They’re crisp, healthy, and they can satisfy your sweet tooth! A delicious snack that can help you lose weight? Sign us up!

sweet potatoes

When you may not know about apples is that they’re also a great source of fiber. Incorporate some apples into your diet this fall for a healthy and satisfying snack that’s both good for your diet and your sweet tooth.

Sweet Potatoes Are Delicious, and Lower in Carbs Than Normal Potatoes

We don’t love sweet potatoes just for the color, they’re delicious too! When you think of healthy foods, does your mind go to sweet potatoes? Although they still compare to regular potatoes in terms of calories, they are lower in carbs. They also have the added benefit of being higher in certain vitamins and minerals.

roasted brussels sprouts

As a fall food, sweet potatoes are a great addition to any table. You don’t have to sacrifice taste to gain the added health benefits. 100g of sweet potatoes has about 17g of carbs whereas a comparable amount of white potatoes has about 20.5g of carbs. Make the switch this fall to sweet potatoes!

Brussels Sprouts Are A Great Low-Calorie Option Without Sacrificing Flavor

Looking for a fall dish that will help your immune system and aid in the growth and repair of body tissue? Then it’s time for you to add brussels sprouts to your diet! These veggies are full of vitamin K and vitamin C, which are essential to keeping your body running smoothly.

roasted cauliflower

Brussels sprouts are also high in fiber, so this delicious veggie is a great side for any meal you prepare. Stay on track with your weight loss goals without sacrificing and taste this fall. Our tip is to try roasting them in the oven, you won’t be disappointed!

Cauliflower Is Nutrient-Rich and Is Low in Carbs

Cauliflower is an extremely versatile veggie. It can be roasted, pan-fried, and even mashed like a potato. Not only that, but it’s a great addition to your diet when trying to lose weight. One cup of cauliflower has only about 27 calories and 5g of carbs.

This fall, cauliflower is a great option to incorporate into any meal. With so many different ways to cook it, you’re sure to find a taste you love that will still help you lose weight!

WildBerryMD is Your Guide to Weight Loss This Fall

At WildBerryMD, we are offering some amazing deals this October to help you on your weight loss journey. If you want to learn how you can achieve a happier and healthier version of yourself, then contact us today. Add these great foods into your fall diet now and start looking and feeling your best!

To schedule an appointment with our professional staff of medical weight loss doctors and coaches in Tucson, call (520) 762-1557 or send us a message here. You can also catch up with us on Facebook and Instagram.