Weight Loss

6 Things You Might Be Doing Wrong on Your Weight Loss Journey

Healthy lifestyle changes like a proper diet, quality sleep, and general fitness will set you on a track to live a happier and healthier life. Why is it, however, that with all these changes you are still not seeing progress on your weight loss? There are many additional factors to consider.   In this blog and throughout the following weeks, we will be breaking down the reasons you’re not losing weight even though you are doing everything right.  

1: You’re Not Taking Muscle Weight into Consideration

If you fit a lot of strength training into your weight loss plan, then it may be easy to blame your lack of weight loss on muscle gain. Just because the number on the scale isn’t changing much does not mean you’re converting all that fat into muscle. The truth is that muscle is less dense than fat, so as you gain muscle you should still be seeing a decrease in your weight. If you’ve been doing a lot of strength training but aren’t seeing your weight decrease, then you should consider altering your diet to create a calorie deficit and try workouts that help burn fat. Going for a walk every day will consistently burn fat without increasing your appetite too much. You can also integrate yoga, Pilates, and strength training into your routine once you have your appetite under control.  

2: You’re Eating Less, but Still Not Healthy

Even if you’re in a calorie deficit, you still need to pay attention to the type of calories you’re taking in. For example, if your low-calorie meal consists of just a diet soda and a small bag of chips, you’re not giving your body the nutrients it needs to support your weight loss. While a calorie deficit alone is not enough, achieving a calorie deficit by consuming healthy foods and meeting nutritional goals will help you reach your weight loss goals faster. WildBerryMD can help you with delicious, customized diets and programs like enhanced Semaglutide (GLP-1)/L-Carnitine for regulating blood sugars and reducing appetite and cravings.  

3: You’re Not Tracking Your Food Intake

Tracking your food provides a tangible way to take a look at the bigger picture of your diet. It can be really easy to feel great about a healthy meal on a Monday night while overlooking a pint of ice cream that was eaten on Sunday. By tracking your food, you can be more conscious of why you’re not losing weight. Track your food on our diet tracking apps and enjoy better results for weight loss.  

4: You’re Not Getting Enough Plant-Based Protein

Protein fills you up and helps you stay full. In addition, it also builds muscles and healthy bones. However, when it comes to weight loss protein plays a different role. Taking in too much animal protein can lead to weight gain, which is the opposite of what you’re looking for. With plant-based proteins, you can eat higher amounts without worrying about the negative health effects. Incorporate more plant-based protein into your diet to work toward your weight loss goals and get vital nutrients. Here are some great plant-based proteins you can incorporate into your diet:
  • Chickpeas
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Greens
  • Broccoli
  • Quinoa
  • Spinach

5: You’re Not Focused on Long-Term Weight Loss

When we say long-term, we don’t mean 3 or 6 months. It can be really easy to overlook small progress over three months and then jump from fad diet to fad diet. The long-term progress you should be tracking is your weight changes over the past several years. If you’ve lost weight over the past several years, then you shouldn’t focus on the fact that you gained a few pounds last month. What’s important is that you stay on track with your diet and lifestyle and understand that fluctuation in weight can happen. WildBerryMD can run your bloodwork for detailed hormone testing or thyroid testing to get to the bottom of your weight fluctuations.  

6: You’re Not Eating Clean, Whole Foods

Speaking of fad diets, are you incorporating clean, whole foods into your meals? Some diets boast quick fixes for weight loss, but diets with whole foods are more closely associated with weight loss results. Are you worried that it might be too difficult to incorporate whole foods into your diet? Easy ways to incorporate more whole foods into our diet would be by starting dinner with a green salad, hard-boiling eggs for a quick snack, or adding a handful of spinach to an omelet in the morning. Here are the whole foods you should incorporate into your diet:
  • Fresh fruit
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains (oats, brown rice, barley)
  • Nuts
  • Beans
  • Fish
  • Eggs

Get Help from WildBerryMD

Ultimately, setting reasonable goals is the key to your success. However, if you’re having a hard time reaching those goals then it may be time to seek additional help. At WildBerryMD, we can help you implement these 6 changes to see more progress toward your goals and achieve a happier and healthier version of yourself.