Weight Loss Health

Self Care and Weight Loss

Many people think of the process of losing weight as a struggle against themselves. They assume they can’t eat the foods they enjoy, and have to push themselves through hours of exercise. While diet and exercise are important for managing your weight, taking care of your body should be a pleasant process. Tending to your body and mind should be a form of self-care, a means to improve not just your physique, but your overall well-being.


How self-care impacts weight loss

There are many aspects of self-care that can impact your weight. Not all bodies are the same, so the key is to find methods to care for yourself that leave you looking and feeling great.



It’s well-known that eating a healthy diet can help you lose weight. But what a “healthy” diet is for someone else’s body might not be for yours. Despite what many people assume, eating as few calories as possible is not what makes a diet healthy. Rather than temporarily following a restrictive eating plan, you should be looking for long-term ways to change your overall eating habits so that your body functions at optimum efficiency. While your bone density is growing in your 20s and 30s, you should be making sure to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods and whole grains. Nutrition becomes even more important as metabolism slows when people reach their 40s, so make sure you are getting adequate amounts of antioxidants and iron. In your 50s, you should be decreasing your fat intake. Once you hit your 60s, you should be supplementing with vitamins as your body becomes less efficient at absorbing nutrients.



Not everyone is able to spend hours at the gym every week. Instead of shaming yourself for not being able to exercise as much as you “should” be, focus on what you can realistically accomplish. Even fifteen minutes of moderate exercise is better than no exercise at all. The important thing is to find a type of exercise that you actually enjoy, as you are more likely to stick to an exercise routine if you’re not dreading working out. Bodies change with aging, and so does the type of movement they are capable of doing. While most people have more energy for exercise in their 20s and 30s, it actually becomes more important for maintaining overall health into the 40s and beyond. If your body isn’t capable of vigorous activity, stick to ones that are more moderate and increase the amount of time you exercise. It’s best to incorporate a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and stretching.


Hormone levels 

Hormone levels also change with aging, affecting weight in ways that can’t be controlled without hormone treatment. High estrogen and low testosterone levels are particularly known to cause weight gain. Thyroid issues could also be a culprit, as well as the “stress hormone” cortisol. Some hormone imbalances can be improved by managing diet and stress levels, while others may require hormone replacement therapy.


Take time for YOU 

Time to yourself is essential when it comes to reaching a balanced, healthier, happier life. While it’s easy to get swept up in the day-to-day of taking care of others, it’s important to take time just for you, guilt-free. Have a standing once-a-month massage scheduled. Set aside 15 minutes of your day to meditate and center yourself. Enjoy a long bath with your favorite book or podcast. Remember that putting yourself first is crucial to your overall well-being. Make you a priority—you deserve it!
If you are struggling with your weight loss goals, the team of coaches and doctors at WildBerryMD can help you develop an individualized weight loss plan to meet your needs that works with the body you have now. Call us at (520) 762-1557 or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information.